If you ave been surfing at all lately you may have experienced an issue with the same page showing over and over again. This was due to the switching over from the MAXTRAFFICPRO letter hunt to the original letterhunt that is back up. Everything is switched over now and surfing should be smooth for everyone now.

  If you are experiencing any problems please let me know what they are so I can get them fixed as quickly as possible.

 The new (well actually the old) letter hunt works similar to the MAXTRAFFICPRO one but the rewards are different.  First of all there are no minimum surf reqiurments to retain the letters you have. If you find a letter its yours untill you complete the entire word(s).

 Each time you complete a word or phrase you will get a bonus amount of banners, textlink, and site credits, you will then move up to the next level and when those letters are found you will earn even more than last level.

 The surfing ratio has now been changed back to the original 3:1 for free members 2:1 for journeyman, and 1:1 for pro members. With the bonus pages showing every 15 – 20 pages and the bonus from the letter hunt this works out to much higher ratio for each level depending on how many sites you surf that day.  The more you surf the more bonus’s you will recieve and the higher your ratio will average out for the day.

 We are less than 100 new members away from reaching 10,000 members at maxtrafficpro. When we reach that milestone we will be kicking off a huge $10,000 giveaway event. We will be giving away $10,000 in cash and prizes, and it will start as soon as member 10,000 joins mtp. Check back often to see how you can claim your share of this massive giveaway.

 I have to appologize for the delay in getting support tickets answered this past week. My offline job has me working some crazy hours lately, but hopefully that is over for now. That won’t be an issue any longer in about two months when I get out of the Navy, but if there is a delay in me getting back to you within the next couple of weeks it’s not becuase I am ignoring you, it is becuase of the commitment I made to serve and I will get with you as quickly as I can.

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