
Sunny Suggs here… and I’m honored to be part of the MaxTrafficPro blog!  We’ll have a LOT of information here for you, to help you get the most out of your advertising efforts.

I’ll be talking about how you can use MTP to your advantage – and the best ways to advertise.

For instance…  are you using a splash page?  Are you branding yourself?  Are you standing out from the crowd?  These are 3 easy things you can do to start to get sign ups and sales.

What are you promoting?  Is it something you really believe in, or are you just trying to promote what you think will make money?

So many times I’ve tried to put things in the traffic exchanges – when I didn’t even know what they WERE…  I just thought I could make money.

Well, I did not.

The internet has become very social – and more and more people are able to see the “real” people online…  and tend to gravitate toward them.  That’s what you need to be… one of the real people.

Show people your smiling face in your splash pages.  Use words like “This is what has worked for me” and “Sign up to my list, so I can help” on your squeeze pages.

Be accessible via Skype or Facebook – let folks get to know you!

Be sure to bookmark this blog…  to find out more things you can do to ramp up your business!